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thereby saving the Mother who is old and feeble the trouble and expense incident to civil proceedings.

[[left margin]] Complaint No 3. [[/left margin]]
Mollie Reese (cold.) made complaint that William Reese her Husband had abandoned her. I investigated the matter and soon ascertained that both had sinned repeatedly. I gave them a good lecture, informed them of the penalties of adultery, both seemed to be penitent, and agreed to go home, live together as husband and wife, "and sin no more." 

[[left margin]] Complaint No 4. [[/left margin]]
Tamima Caldwell (an old freed woman) complained that Mr. P. South (white) refused to pay her four dollars due her for services rendered South's wife as midwife some two years ago. South acknowledged the services rendered and the justness of the debt. I ordered him to pay it which he did.

[[left margin]] Complaint No 5. [[/left margin]]
Jerry Partee (freedman) complained that Robert Thornton (white) refused to pay him for seven and a half months service rendered Thornton by two minor daughters of Partee's last year. Thornton had charged the girls one dollar per day for all lost time, although he agreed or contracted to pay them only sixty dollars per annum a piece, in the settlement. I disallowed one dollar per day and deducted all lost time per rata (nineteen cents per day) Thornton had also overcharged them for goods. I also made the proper deductions, and found due Partee $60.30. which Thornton paid, part in money and part in provisions. Thorton I am fully convinced is a "Rogue" as his actions proved throughout, I advised Partee to prosecute