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Record of Complaints for the Month Ending Aug. 31st 1867

[[5 Columned Table]]
|No|Names|Complaint Against Whom|Nature of Complaint|Action|
|1|Jessie Burton|Edward Keller|Defendant had Entered into a Contract with Complainant, his wife and daughter for One Year.  Defendants Wife became Sick and by broken up house keeping and offered the parties pay up to the time of the discharge which they Refused, claiming the whole amount under the  Contract $300.00 Deft. states that Burtons wife left him in July, thereby breaking the contract, that he offered them pay for the time of their work which they Refused.|The Case was acquited by Defendant paying the Sum of one Hundred and Twenty dollars, Seventy three dollars and twenty-five cents being drawn during the time of their work. All parties being satisfied the Contract was annuled.|
|2|William Hampton & others|William Sims|The parties had Signed a Contract for one year. the Complainants came to town to Register and were discharged for so doing. Deft. States that the men came to town on Monday, thereby breaking their Contract, that they had plenty of time to Register, and that he told them he would give them a day for that purpose.|The Freedmen were returned to their work promising not to Enter town only on Saturdays and other times when they receive permission from their Employer.|
|3|Jennky White|Lewis Corry|Complainant went to Fort Adams on Saturday Morning and remained all day Returned and Deft. refused to issue their rations.  Deft States that White went without his permission thereby breaking the Contact and that he only refused him rations for the time of his absence.|Complainant was returned to his work with Loss of Rations used pay for the time of his absence|
|4|Francis Whip|Archie Stewart|Complainant states the Deft struck her son and refused to furnish boy with rations. Deft. states that some person unknown to him broke open his house and stole his meat that he was unable to furnish her with Rations but would as soon as he received some from New Orleans La. He also states that he drove her son out of the house for insulting him.|Complainant was returned to work. Defendant to furnish Rations at Once.|
|5|Evaline Hale|Augustus Wilkinson|Complaint states that Defendant discharged her without pay, she being hired by the month. Deft. states that he had Complaintant for a corl that she was filthy and disobedient and he discharged her, there being no Contract.|The Case was adjusted by Deft. paying her the amount due and a discharge given.|
|6| Isuah Hodge|Holloway Huff|Complainant states that Deft. took his Sickle away from him and swore it belonged to him. Complainant asked him what he took it for, he said it was just and that he would blow the top of my head off if I said anything more about it. He followed me to my House with an axe. As soon as I reached the house I seized my axe, turned around, and told him to strike, that if he missed me I would kill him. Deft then went away saying he would have my life before night you Black son of a Bitch.|The Case was referred to the Civil Authorities for its action.|
|7| Richard Wilson| John C. Alexander|Complainant states his brother and sister were Bound over to Deft. without the consent of either himself or Relatives, that they are Badly treated and that he wants them under his charge.|The charges of ill treatment not being proven and the children being Bound to Deft by the Probate Court the Case was dismissed. The Deft Holding the children|
|8|Nelson Curtis|William Clamper|Complainant states that he was under contract by the month, that Clamper drove him from the place and refused to pay him for the time served, Deft. also said if he did not leave he would kill him|The Case was adjusted by Deft. paying to complainant $15.00 the amount due contract being annuled.|
|9| Amelia Clark|Holloway Huff|Complainant state that she was ordered off the place because she refused to do the washing she being unable to do it and that she was contracted for a field hand. he had also refused to pay her. Deft states that the Contract does not say that she is a field hand but is to do any labor required of her.|The case was adjusted by Deft. paying the amount due and the Contract annuled.|