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seem to lack the judgment or ambition necessary to carry them through & so neglect their work

All varieties of Contracts have been made. Some at pay pr month varying from ten to twenty Dollars pr month. Others for a share of the Crop in proportion to what has been furnished by the respective parties & to the bargain they could make &c. on the whole the Contracts that have come under my observation have been liberal towards the Freedmen & a large proportion of the Complaints which have come before me have proved on investigation to be frivolous & without foundation & they have come from the more indigent & shiftless class

Very few Sick Old or infirm come to my knowledge. Who are in want of clothing or medical attendance

Schools have somewhat diminished in number during the hot weather. Still three in Vicksburg & one at Palmyra. (Davis Bend) are still in session with good attendance

The Condition of the Freedmen as to the Marriage relation is bad - very often