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Bureau of Refugees. F. and A. Lands
Office Sub Dist of Macon
Macon Miss Sept 4th 1867

Bvt. Lt. Col. H.W. Smith
Asst Adjt. Gen'l Bu R.F. and A.L 
Vicksburg Miss

I  have the honor herewith to transmit monthly reports of this Sub District for this month of August 1867.

I  Number of freed people in this Sub Dist" 21000 "Estimated"

II  Conditions of the freed people generally is good at the present time, they have good crops and very good prospects for the coming year, in very many instances they have not been paid for work, but all such cases are noted at this office and will be adjusted in accordance with G.O. No. 31 C.S-.

III  Contract Systems is a bad one, it gives to employers all the advantages, as they can upon any previous pretext discharge the employee "without payment

IV  Sick old and infirmed estimated "is about (250) two hundred and fifty) Cannot say that any are suffering from want, some have made application to their office and have been relieved immediately upon my recommendation by the freed people of this City upon Subscriptions