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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c,,
Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner,
Sub.-District of Greenville.
Greenville, Miss., Sept. 1, 1867.

Lt. Col. H. W. Smith
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Vicksburg. Miss.

   I have the honor, in conformity with the provisions of Par. 1, Circular, No. 10, C.S., off. Asst. Com., date of Miss., Aug. 10, 1867, to submit the following report:
   That upon the receipt of Gen. Ord., No. 21. C.S., Off. Asst. Com., State of Miss., I commenced a series of visits to the plantations in my Sub-District, and up to the 21st of August, had visited and conversed with freedmen on some forty-five or forty-six plantations.
   On most of these plantations the freedmen had registered; but on some they had not, the Registering officers not having reached the precincts in which they resided. Where they had registered, I found that they had been correctly informed of the objects of registration, and they seemed generally, at least those who expressed themselves, to have a