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disposed of. this is a very wrong proceeding, and one that will unmistakeably cause trouble, as there are Men who will take all the advantage they can of a Freedmen, and after the Crop is sold, put all the money in their own pockets. if some positive protection is not guaranteed them. 

III. Contracts for this year are a kind of a special document written by each Planter, and setting forth his own terms to the best possible advantage to himself, many Freedpeople who have worked some six or seven months have but recently found out that their Constracts were not as fair as they were supposed to be when they first contracted to work for their Employers. A regular Contract system if generally adopted, and made to cover the interests of the Freedpeople as well as the White would prove of incalculable benefit to the Blacks. there are too many loop holes in the Laws of this State, whereby whites may escape and Blacks suffer - for any misdeameanor [[Footnote 1]]

IV. I have no means of ascertaining how many Old, Sick or Infirm Freedepeople they are in this Sub Dist. however the Cases that have come to my knowledge are comparitively few [[Footnote 2]]
V. One Hundred and Two Men, Women, and Children, have been furnished with Rations by me during the past month. and all were cases of extreme want, that it was an act of charity to relieve at once. [[Footnote 3]]
VI. Owing to the fact that School Reports are very irregularly received by me, I am unable in this Report to State whether any New Schools [[Footnote 4]]

[[Footnote 1]] Contracts
[[Footnote 2]] Sick
[[Footnote 3]] Rations
[[Footnote 4]] Schools