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[[left margin]] Maritial [[Marital]] relations of the Freedmen. [[/left margin]]
for improvement. I have had but few complaints of this character, but hear of men leaving their wives and running away with other women to parts unknown and some women leaving their husbands & taking up with other men. I feel confident these acts are not done through ignorance of the law in such cases, but more from the want of a will to comply with the law. I have explained the law to them with references to adultry [[adultery]] &c but without much avail.

[[left margin]]Disposition of the whites, toward the Freedpeople. [[/left margin]]
The better class of people seem kindly disposed towards the freedpeople, are in favor of educating them and encourage them in their moral culture & give them good advice &c. there is another class however that are disposed to take every advantage of their ignorance, seem to be envious of them, because of their freedom & right of sufferage [[suffrage]] &c are opposed to educating them & seem disposed to throw every impediment in the way of their advancement, these people belong to the Anti-Convention party as a general thing.

[[left margin]]Complaints & Outrages.[[/left margin]]There has been no complaints of any serious outrages except in the case of Mrs. Jane Dunn with the three orphan freed children, of which I made a special report to Head Quarters. In this case the children have been given