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Case 3rd August 23rd Harvey Lewis (Col"d) Charges Gordon Simms, living at Clinto, Hinds County, Mississippi, with whipping his (Lewis) boy against his wishes, told Simms that he did not want his child whipped by any one but himself, Simms said he would whip the boy whenever he felt enclined, after having testimony the following is the decision arrived at, 
Decision, Gordon Simms agrees to furnish said Harvey Lewis a house on the plantation such a one as can accomodate Harvey comfortably,- and that Harvey's child is not to be struck or whipped again by said Simms, this agreement is one proposed by said Harvey Lewis and he expresses his satisfaction thereto,
Case 4th August 26th R. Lanr (Colored,) Charges Robert Cockrall, living on Pearl river, Rankin County, Miss, with attempting to drive him (Lane) of [off] the plantation,
No proof offered to sustain the charge, Mr Cockrall offered to give bonds to keep the peace if necessary,
Case 5th William Douglass, (colored) charges Turner T. Taylor, living at Tagaloo Station Madison County Mississippi, with driving him off his place and threatening to shoot him if he did not leave the place at once, After hearing testimony the following is the decision.
Decision, Each party is to choose a person, these two to choose a third, and the three are to settle upon the amount due Douglass, both parties agree to be governed by the settlement arrived at by these partie,