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Case 5th (Continued) Mr Taylor agree's to settle with "Nancy," and William Douglass, Nancy Douglass, and Mary Williams, are to leave the place,
Case 6th Lewis Walker, (Colored,) charges Colonel Wm Taylor, living at Tagaloo Station, Madison County. Miss, with shooting at him while he was working on the place of Simon Lancaster,
Walker could not sustain the charge in any way, Walker is allowed to go back to the place. he promises to work faithfully,
Case 7th, Daniel Harris. (colored,) charge, J.F. Juynes, living at Gus Kitchens plantation. near Raymond Madison County. Miss. Fears that they may be some difficulty at the final settlement unless a contract is made out and duly signed;- No definite agreement regarding aa contract could be arrived at, Decision, Each party agrees to select a person, these two to select a third, and the three are to value the crop. giving Harris one half, deducting from it all rations furnished him, and his share for feeding the Stock,
Case 8th August 28th, Mary Ann Hicks (Colored) charges Walter Mahone, living near Raymond Hinds Co. Miss with not making a fair settlement with her, Found that Mahone gave Mary a mule for fifty five $55.00 dolls. as balance due her,
Decision. Mary Hicks is directed to present the note for payment and in case he failed to pay her to report the case to this office,