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4th  Proportion of Cotton to other products? &c. =
As near as we can estimate it, there is about two thirds (2/3) of the land planted in Cotton, the other third (1/3) in corn and potatoes.  Peas are generally sown with the Corn, Wheat not raised at all in this County and the quantity of Oats planted is very small as it is not under the most favorable circumstances a proliffic [[prolific]] crop.

5th  What attention is given to Raising Cattle Hogs? etc.
The raising of Hogs has been almost entirely abandoned partly on account of the depredations of thieves, but probably more on account of the scarcity of Corn for several years past.  Cattle are now becoming more abundant considering the small number left in the County after the War from which to commence replenishing and the poverty of the people forbidding the importation.  Adams County at the termination of the War was almost entirely cleaned out of all kinds of stock, Horned or otherwise, and even now, the farmers being surrounded by a class not interested in the soil or in the production of stock of any kind and the country being in a