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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands
Office Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Meridian
Meridian Miss September 7 1867

Lieut J. G. Conyngham
A.A.A. Genl. B.R.F. and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss


In compliance with Circular No 10 Office Assist. Comr State of Miss Vicksburg Miss Augt. 10th 1867 I have the honor to report that the various other duties required of the Sub Asst. Comr of this Sub District has rendered it quite impossible for him to personally visit any plantations for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Genl. Order No. 16 Hd Qrs 4th Mil Dist. Vicksburg Miss June 29 1867. Five hundred (500) copies of said order have been circulated throughout the Sub Dist. which is the only action taken by the Sub Asst Comr.

I have the honor to be Sir
Very Resply
Your obedient Servt
Thomas H Norton
Bvt Maj. U.S. Army
Sub Asst. Comr
Sub Dist Meridian