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due Wiley Sharo $23 60/100 which was paid by Jackson part cash and part order on a Store for goods.

[[left margin]]Complaint No. 3.[[/left margin]]Peter Newberry (col'd) complained that C. Broom (white) refused to pay him ballance due for labor performed in 1866. had settlement of accounts found nothing due to Peter Newberry in settlement, passed Receipts between the parties and dismissed the complaint.

[[left margin]]Complaint No. 4 [[/left margin]]Samuel Dilleshaw (col'd) complained that Andrew Jackson (white) refused to settle with him for services rendered Jackson during '65 and '66 by Dilleshaw.  I investigated complaint and found due in settlement to Dilleshaw $8. 65/100.  Dilleshaw accepted Due Bill due November 1st 1867 for amount from Defendant, I dismissed the case.

[[left margin]]Complaint No. 5 [[/left margin]]Rhoda Edwards (Freedwoman) complained that she had been discharged from service of Joseph Seallorn