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by him, and that Seallorn refused to pay her, I investigated the complaint and effected a settlement and found due Rhoda Edwards $42 00/100 which was paid by Seallorn part cash and part order on a Store for good.

[[left margin]]Complaint No. 6 [[/left margin]]Deana Fitzgerald (Freedwoman) complained Sept. 10th 1867 that Richard Fitzgerald (white) had murdered her son Buster Fitzgerald in December 1865 and that the Civil authorities had not taken action in the matter and further that she firmly believed that justice would not be done by the Civil authorities of the State.  I arrested Richard Fitzgerald, in person, he acknowledged to me that he had committed the murder.  I investigated the complaint made (Sept. 11th '67) and the testimony against the Prisoner was of such a character as to warrant the Prisoners committal, I sent him under guard