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Head Quarters Sub District of McNutt, Miss.
Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
McNutt, Miss., Octr 31st 1867

Complaints during October other than "Cases Tried".

Oct. 7.  Jerry Norwood against Enos Rogers, Assault & Battery, Both parties failed to appear.

Oct. 22.  Agnes Mahony against — Mahony, Assault & Battery. Complainant failed to appear.

Oct. 26  James Griffin against Charles Hill & J. J. Garrett. Complains that he and wife were turned off and not paid.

Oct. 26  Morris Ferguson complains that Col. Clippen's hands were not paid last year.

Oct. 26  Tuff Edwards and Wm Eubanks complain that Johnson & Pettibone did not settle their accounts last year.

Oct. 26  Quash Havens against C. C. Chambers for nonfulfilment of Contract.

Oct. 26  John Trimble against J. A. Rutland for non payment of wages.

Oct. 26  Queen Grant against G. Green, non payment of wages.

Oct. 28  George Harrison wants account for 1866 examined with Jones & Boyd.

C. T. Lawson
Agent Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Sub Dist. McNutt