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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.,
Office of the Sub-Asst. Com.,
Sub District of Greenville,
Greenville, Oct. 31. 1867.
Report of complaints made by Freedmen, during the month of October, 1867. in the Sub-District of Greenville, viz:-

Gus Davis, c.,}
Peter Lee Soock, c.}
Malicious destruction of property.
Complaint:- That Defendants maliciously killed the [[?]] of the Ruff., and left them to lie and not where killed.
Letter to Saml. T. Taylor, Esq., Justice of the Peace, asking him to issue a warrant for the arrest and punishment of the offender.
No further complaint.

Emily Holmes, c.,}
Charity Green, and}
Berry Green, c.}
Assault and Battery.

Complaint- That the Defendants beat her daughter Emily, and injured her greatly.
Oct. 2. Parties present. It appeared from the statements of the parties, that both were in fault, the fight having commenced by agreement.
Settled by the parties, and the complaint dismissed.

Mary Brown, c.,}
Haywood Barr, c.}
Assault & Battery.

Complaint - That the Defendant