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knocked her down and beat her with the pea of a steel-yard.

Letter to N. J. Nelson, Esq., Justice of the Peace, requesting him to issue a warrant for the arrest and punishment of the offender.
No further complaint. 

Martha Hendricks, c.,} Debt – $–
Richard Sanders.} Complaint – that Defendant owes him a balance of $2.25, for washing his clothing.

Oct. 3rd. Letter to Defendant, requesting him to pay the debt, and avoid further trouble.
Oct. 4th – Letter to Letter in. J. Nelson, Esq., Justice of the Peace, asking him to sue defendant for amount of indebtedness.
No further complaint.

Polly Scott, c.,} Wilful destruction of property.
Henry Lewis, c.} Complaint: – that defendant, in a fit of anger, took an axe and cut up her bedstead and chest, burnt her bonnet and shoes, tore up her veil and other articles of wearing apparel and threatened her life.

Oct. 3rd. Summons to appear at office of Sub. Asst.Com., and answer the charge.

Oct. 4. Parties present. Defendant pleaded guilty and wished to pay for the property.

Settled by the parties, the defendant to pay twenty dollars.

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Transcription Notes:
Pea or P is a small weight used to balance weight of cotton on a steelyard balance scale.