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disobedience of orders, and in consequence forfeited all wages due at the time.
Provision of contract, that if plaintiff is discharged for sufficient cause, he forfeits all wages due.

Aleck Benbough, c.,  }
vs.                  }
David Bell.          } Breach of Contract.

Complaint- that Defendant refuses to divide the cotton on the plantation, as provided in the contract.
Oct. 4. Letter to Defendant, informing him that it is the right of the laborers to have their portion of the crop on the plantation, to do with it whatever they choose.
No further complaint.

Mary Johnson, c.,  }
vs.                }
John H. Evans.     } Assault & Battery

Complaint:- That Defendant beat her because she whipped her own child for disobedience.
Oct. 5. Letter to N. J. Nelson, Esq., Jus. of the Peace, requesting him to issue a warrant, and place defendant under bonds to keep the peace.
It appeared on the trial that the woman whipped the child, after defendant had forbidden her, merely to provoke him.

George Hershman, c., } Destruction of Property.
vs.                  }

Transcription Notes:
Edited: first word on this page completed using previous page, SI not to truncate words