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McGowan. } Complaint:- That Defendant took his saddle to satisfy a fine imposed, for bringing a diseased mule on his plantation.
Oct. 5. Letter to Defendant, directing him to deliver up the saddle, as it was not known by what authority he imposed fines.
Property delivered up and complaint dismissed.

Caroline Jones, c., }
vs.                 }
Frederick Moss.     } Debt. $.

Complaint:- That Defendant owes her for the service of herself and two children, for last year's labor - about $50.
Oct. 5. Letter to Defendant, acquainting him with the provisions of Gen. Ord., No. 31, applicable to such cases, and requesting him to adjust the matter without further trouble.
No further complaint.

Jim Ingram, c.,       }
vs.                   }
Cornelius Johnson, c. } Breach of Trust.

Complaint - That Defendant received some money of the Plaintiff, to hold while the latter reached an article on the wall, and refused to return it to Plff.
Oct. 7. Letter to N. J. Nelson, Esq., Jus. of the Peace, requesting him to issue a warrant for the arrest of the defendant, for breach of trust, &c.
Same day defendant arrested and committed to prison to await trial.

Transcription Notes: