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(9) Tom Cheers (Cld) v.s. J. L. Richards Yalobusha Co. Oct. 7th, 1867

Reported to this office that J. P. Richardson would not settle with him and the rest of the freedmen.  they were to receive half of the crop and feed themselves, according to contract, pay for half of the corn to feed the team that worked in said crop.  That he now refuses to take corn in pay for the corn furnished, but intends to take their cotton as pay.  Wrote to Squire Lemmons to see to the rights of the freedmen, and have the whole matter adjusted. (as he was near the parties) and report his actions or proceedings to this office.  Matter settled.

(10). Louisa Wile (cold) v.s. Mrs. A. Wile Yalobusha Co.  October 9th/ 67

Made complaint to this office that Mrs. A. Wile drove her from her house and would not let her have her clothes.  Wrote to Mrs. Wile to deliver the clothing to said Louisa Wile, or show cause for her actions by appearing at this office.  Matter settled and clothing given up.

(11)  Aaron McCaskel (cold) v.s. Matt Spencer  Yaloubusha Co.  October 9th, 1867

Came to this office for the purpose of being relieved from his contract with said Spencer, on the ground that he did not believe that his portion of the Crop  would pay him out, as the mowers had materially injured the same and he wished to worke at something else where he could realin some money.  Wrote to Spencer to come to the office for the purpose of ascertaining from him if he was willing to relieve said freedman Aaron McCaskell from his Contract.  Mr. Spencer came to the office and objected to the release of said freedman from Contract upon the ground that said freedman A. McCaskel was owing him more than his portion of the Crop would amount to, wanted him to stay and finish gathering said crop, advised him to return

Transcription Notes:
Slight differences noted in name of defendant in entry 9.