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[[margin]](16) Daniel Statham
C. Statham
Oct 12th 1867
Yalobusha Co.[[margin]]
Appeared at this Office and stated that Crawford Statham had sent him to the Bureau Office to be furnished with clothing and shoes. Stated that Statham told him that the U.S. Government ought to support the old freedmen. Wrote to Statham to supply said freemans wants, that humanity ought to prompt him to do so, as the old freedman had spent the prime of his life in working for his Father, if he would not, to report him to the Civil Authorities as a pauper, and if they refuse to take case and provide for him to report their names to this Office.

[[margin]](17) Louis Pope [[margin]]
Made application to this Office to have his papers made out and forwarded to Washington D.C. for the purpose of securing his Bounty. Wrote to Head Quarters, and forwarded said papers.

[[margin]](18) (cold) Phillips Magit
E.P. Williams
Yalobusha. Co
Octo. 12th/67 [[margin]]
Reports to this Office that E.W. Williams would not settle with him for work done on his farm year 1866. Wrote to Williams to come to this Office on Wednesday the 16th of Oct. Williams has not appeared, if he does not come in, steps will be taken to arrest him.

[[margin]](19) John Bryant (cold)
James Russell
Yalobusha Co.
Octo. 12th 1867 [[margin]]
Reports to this Office that Russell drove him from his place, and would not pay him for his work and kept all his effects. Wrote to Russell to give up to said freedman John Bryant, what he claims and proves is his property.