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Laura Tilman. (Cold) 
Joe Moore
Yalobusha. Co.
Octr 14th 1867 

Requested through this office that her children living at. for Wauls in Choctaw Co be delivered to her, that she could not live at for Wauls, as she had been badly treated, and a difficulty occurred between her and a young man by the name of Joe Moore and she was fearfull that he would do her severe injury. Sent Marshall Morrison to investigate the matter if found to be as represented by Said Laura Tilman (Cold) to get her children and deliver them to her, Marshal Morrison reported that he got the children and delivered them to their Mother. 

Henry Jordan (cold)
Yalobusha Co.
Oct. 14th 1667

Made application to this office to write to P.H Welch, Washington, D.C. in relation to his discharge papers, and application for Bounty, left in his hands for collection. Wrote to Welch in relation to said Claim.

Phillis Eskridge (cold)
Mr. Myers (cold)
Yalobusha Co.
Oct 15th 1867

A case of debt (between (two freedmen) brought into this office for Settlement, both parties gave a full explination of the matter, and after due investigation of the whole debt, the matter was settled by a compromise. Mr. Myers, freedman, paying the said Eskridge $5, in cash and giving his due bill for $20, payable on demand.

Allan Stokes (cold)
F.M. Simpson
October 15th/67

Stated that he worked for Simpson on his plantation during the year 1866 for one third of third of the Crop, that Simpson drove him off that he had called upon him for a settlement, but he could not talk to him about it. Wrote to Simpson to come to the office Received a letter from Simpson that he would appear at the Office Nov 2/67