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[margin] (28) Charles Miller (Cola) U.S. W''' Powell Yalobusha C[underline]o[/underline],, Octob 20th, 1867

[/margin] Reports to this office that Powell would not settle or divide the crop according to Contract. that said Powell would not let him have any portion of the crop of potatoes. Wrote to Powell that according to the Contract, said freedman Charles Miller was entitled to our thesis of the40 states, and they

[margin] (29)
I[[?]] Baskerville
R Coffman
Carroll C[underline]o[/underline].
Oct 20[underline]th[/underline] 1867[/margin]

Made complaint to this office that R. Coffman did not Settle with him for work down on his plantation years 1866, that Said Coffman saw him off [?] his place, Coffman being in town, wrote him a note to come to the office, Mr Coffman Soon made his appearance and after investigation , focused that the Statement made by Said freedman was not correct, that the Same can was Bought before Dr. J. H. Phipley and it proved to be an [[Aeraut + Barltey?]] [[?]] [[?]] referred to the [[?]] Authorities in that instance. I teased it over to the Same tribunal, or in other words to the U.S. Man[?], Ryley of Canoll. [?] for investigation.

[margin] (30)
Anderson, Clay
Miles Davis (cold)

[margin] (30) 
Anderson, Clay (cold)
James Gauldwig [[?]]
Yalobusha C[underline]o[/underline] 
Octo'b 21st, 1867 [/margin]

Reported to this office today that James Gauldwig agreed to [give] [[?]] them by contract their rations at a certain price while they were working for him on his plantation upon shares, has since refused to cary [carry] out his contract, and that they had to work out from said farm for [[?]] to live upon, what they earned, the Said Gauldwig, claimed half. Upon investigation of the report, found that U.S.C.P.D.Gauer [[?]] had made the contract for Said freedmen, therefore refused the settling of the case to him.