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Wm. Howle 
Yalobusha, Co. 
Octo'r 22d. 1867

Freedmen working with said Mr. Howle appeared at this Office in relation to a difficulty that originated on said Howles farm about some corn and potatoes, in the division of the same. The parties went into an explanation of the matter, after a long and tedious hearing of both parties, the difficulty was settled by both parties, agreeing in the future to act differently, and carry out the Contract, I then handed, Wm. Howle Gen'l. Order No19, And informed him, that none of the Crop could be moved from the farm, until the freedmen were justly and fairly delt with, thatwhen the Crop was geathered [[gathered]], I would see to a final Settlement.

Robert Fowler (Cold) 
Robert Wyatt 
Calhoun, Co. 
Oct 22d. 1867

Appeard [[Appeared]] at this Office this day, and made [[crossed-out]] Complaint [[/crossed-out]] a complaint against Robert Wyatt for beating his Wife, and threatening him. Said Fowler (Cold) Stated that he was not Safe in returning to Said Wyatts plantation. for Wyatt told him if he reported him to the Bureau Office, that he would kill him. Wrote to Wyatte to appear at this Office on the 25th of Oct, 1867.

Charles Bledsow 
B.F. Johnson 
Yalobusha, Co. 
Octo'r 22d./67

Charles Bledsow (Cold) reported to this office that B.F Johnson and himself had a difficulty, that Johnson struck him two or three times and then told him to pitch in, he should have a a white Mans chance, and he stated that as it they want, and came out first best. After wich [[which]] Johnson got hold of a gun and told him to leave his plantation in five minutes, which he did, and told him, never to let him see him on his land again, he was working with Said Johnson under contract for half of the crop, that he wanted his rights
