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informed him that he should certainly have them Wrote to Johnson to come to the Office for a settlement at the appointed time. Johnson appeared also Freedmen, Bledsow, the matter in dispute and fighting was fully investigated. Found that both parties were in fault. Johnson said that freedmen Bledsow should not go on his place, but after discussing the matter it was finally settled by the parties, that the ballance of the squad should return to Johnson place and geather the crop. After the crop is geathered these Head Quarters are to be informed and see that a just and equitable division of the same is made to the freedmen.

I have not reported all the cases, that have come up before me this month for adjustment, as they have not been settled or disposed of. 

I am, Captain,

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt
Wm. Shields

1st Lieut. 44th U.S.I.
of L.A. Comr.