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Sub Dist. DeKalb Mississippi
October 31st 1867.

Post Major Gen. A.C. Gillem
Assistant Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburgh Mississippi

In compliance with Gen Orders No. 21. current series from your Office - I have the honor to submit the following Monthly Report relating to complaints, investigations, actions &c

Case No 1.
Wm Britain (white) a tanner, complains that one Milo Hampton (Freedman) employed by him had taken up more than his wages, refused to work & had left him - In Settlement it was found that Milo's indebtedness was $30,80 which he agreed to work out at $24, per month, have heard nothing from parties since.

Case No 2.
Dr Chamberlain reported in the case of the Children "Mathew, Hannah" referred to in our report for September - proposes to prove the incompetency of the Uncle claiming the children, to have charge of them, files a request with the Probate Judge to have the children bound to him, action to be taken at term, for this month of Nov-