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Office Sub. Asst. Comr. 
Tupelo Miss. Oct. 12th 1867.
Freedman Reading Dixon complains that he has been arrested and tried before J. S. Ratliff Justice of the Peace Verona Miss. on the charge of killing a hog, the property of Dr. Calhoun, find forty dollars ($40) and cost of suit. I have learned it was proven in evidence that Dixon did kill the hog and acknowledged the same, the hog was a very fine large one, which Dr. Calhoun valued at (twenty dollars) $20. A fine of forty dollars (40) and cost was the lightest punishment that could be inflicted under the State laws in such cases, namely double the value of the real worth of the animal killed and cost.

Office Sub- Asst. Comr. 
Tupelo Miss. Oct. 16th 1867
Freedman Alexander Wren complains that he entered into a verbal contract with James M. Duke residing 15 miles east of Fulton Itawamba Co. Miss. to work the present season for one half the crop raised by him, he (Alexander) to furnish his own provisions, now that the crop is made Mr Duke refuses to allow him one half as agreed upon, wants all the sound corn for his share, wants Alexander