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apprehended that should the weather become unfavorable heavy losses will ensue. The reason allidged for this neglect is - They come to attend to union league meetings" - this makes it delicate to handle.
I cannot tell them they have no right to attend Political Meetings - but so much time lost from labor at this critical season is just cause of complaint & anxiety. I have written many parties urging upon them their duty to save the crops & loose no time unneccesarily & many others I have cited before me & instructed them, not always. I have reason to fear - with success
All varieties of Contracts have been made some with pay ranging from ten to twenty dollars per month, others for a share of the crop - in proportion to what has been furnished by the respectvie parties to the bargains they could make &c - on the whole the contracts that have come under my observation have been liberal towards the Freedmen.
Alarge portion of the Complaints which have come before me have proved on investigation to be frivolous & without foundation - and they have come from the more