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[[left margin]] Number of old, sick or infirm suffering from want [[left margin]]

IV. In visiting the many plantations in this Sub Dist I found a great many old and infirm freedmen who are unable to feed and cloth themselves. they are in a great measure however feed clothed and cared for by their children and in some few instances by their former owners

[[left margin]] No. of rations issued and to what class of people [[/left margin]]

V. As I have not had any rations on hand I did not issue any this month

[[left margin]] Schools their number and condition [[/left margin]]

VI. There are eight Schools in this Sub Dist five of which are taught by Colored teachers (male) (1) one by female cold teacher and two by white ladies nothing by the primary branches are taught. They all need assistance and the buildings need repairing they are as a general thing well attended. Schools are very much needed in many potions [[portions]] of this county but cannot be opened for teachers cannot be found

[[left margin]] Martial [[Marital]] relations of the freedmen [[/left margin]]

VII. Freedmen have very indistinct ideas of the marriage relations in a great many instances they act as they did in times of slavery. they live together until they tire of each other they leave and take up with some one else, without regard to law

[[left margin]] Disposition of the whites towards the colored people [[/left margin]]

VIII. The majority of the better class of citizens are well disposed toward the freedmen. But there is a class ready to take every advantage of their defenceless condition