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Hd Qtrs Sub Dist of Austin
Austin Miss Nov 1st 1867

Brevet Maj Genl. A.C. Gillem,
Asst Comr State of Mississippi

I have the honor to submit the following report of operations, for the month ending Oct 31st 1867 in this Sub District.
Number of Freed people, in Sub District 7000-

Their condition and how they have been paid for their work
Those working for a share, of the crops are yet unpaid, as the crops, has not yet got to market. Those working for monthly wages have, and still has a good deal of difficulties, in getting their wages, owing to the poverty of the Planters; but as soon as the crops gets to market many of the difficulties, will be removed, and the laborers paid-
Nature of contracts for the present year.
The majority are working, for half interest, in the crops: at the same time furnishing their own rations-
Number of sick old or uniform suffering from want
There is none: as the Counties provides, for such by means of taxation-
Schools their number conditions &c
Their are none in operation but steps are being taken, for the speedy organization of such-
Marital relations of the Freedmen
The relation of Husband & Wife is bad, I have