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Weaver of Edinburg Leake Co. for work done last year. investigated the complaint and ordered Mr. Weaver to pay Lewis the amount due him $9.00.

The following complaints have been made of Freedmen to this office during the month viz: Oct 1st.

Edmund Burage complained that J.J. Peebles his employer did not fulfill his contract with him. Peebles having taken possession of the crop of corn without dividing it. also that Peebles wanted to take his corn at 50c [cents] per bushel to pay for corn borrowed during the year. Peebles also charged him $25.00 for attendance on his wife when sick. ordered Peebles not to interfere with the freedman in his disposition of  his Share of the crop. and to pay him 15c [cents] per bushel for sufficient corn to pay for what was borrowed. also informed Peebles he must not charge the $25.00 for attendance on the freedmans wife.

Oct. 2nd

Juda Gadenhead complained that a suit decided against her before a civil magistrate was not in accordance with law, investigated the complaint. and dismissed it as there was no just-cause for making it.