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Oct. 14.
Pompey Shackelford complained that James Shackelford had not paid him for his services in 1866, investigated the complaint and ordered Mr. Shackelford to pay Pompey $7.50, that being the balance due him
Oct. 17th
George Harper, this case was referred to this office, from office of Ass't. Com'r, Vicksburg upon complaint of David Larr, Registrar Leake Co, complaint that George was driven off from Thomas Harpers place in Leake Co. without any just cause. also that Mr. Harper took possession of his gun, investigated this case and found that both parties were at fault. ordered Mr. Harper to divide the crop with George, also ordered him to deliver the gun to George immediately. 
Oct. 17,
Charles Smith complained that two men, one of them named Richard Collins, came to his house and took forcible possession of a pistol carrying it away with them, directed Charles to apply to the Civil Authorities and have these parties arrested.
Oct. 21. 
Maria Stribling applies for assistance in obtaining possession of her children, who were illegally apprehended to John and Joseph Stribling.