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condition. There being only 30 pupils reported as regular attendants.

Seventh (7th) 
[[left margin]] Marital relations of the Freedmen [[/left margin]]
Several cases of Freedpeople living together without being properly married, have come to my knowledge. Nearly all are legally married. The number of marriage li-censes granted during the year to Freed-people is fifty (50)

Eighth (8th)
[[left margin]] Complaints [[/left margin]]
The following Complaints have been made
(1st) Calvin Evans (Cold) complains that Robt Davenport (white) owes him for work done That he (Evans) bought and paid for lumber and built a house on Davenport land; and that at the time he was discharged by Davenport he (Davenport) would neither allow him pay for the house or allow him to move it
Upon Davenport reporting to this office, he produced a certified copy of a/c showing (Evans) indebtedness to him, and the number of days worked by Evans, which being balanced left Evans in Davenports debt .76¢.
Davenport states that he had never refused to remunerate Evans for the house, although he built it contrary to his wishes. He also said he was willing to give Evans the same amt & quality of lumber used in constructing the house.
My decision in this case was that Daven-port furnish Evans the amt & quality of lumber used in constructing the house in dispute, after deducting the amount 76¢ of Evans indebtedness to him which Davenport agreed to do
(2d) Henry Franklin (Cold) complained