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      Oct 11th. Complaint filed by one Henry Brown, white, against Vernon Wright, white, for his.(Brown's) share of the crop. Upon investigation I found that one Thomas N. Clay had gotten out an attachment and had it served on Wrights crop, for a debt contracted during the year, 1866, Wright could not effect a settlement with plaintiff until said attachment was removed, which was done by an order from the sub-asst. Comr. and the plaintiff received his just earnings. 
      Oct 18th David Carroll filed a Complaint against the Mobile & Ohio Rail Road, for running over and killing his horse, which was appraised by three white citizens at $150. Submitted to the President of the road. Case yet under Consideration
      Oct 24th, Three freedmen, Caloin Simmons, John Nally, & Simon Miller, entered Complaint against Josiah Hales, for a proper division of the