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Bureau of Refugees, &c.,
Office Sub-Asst. Com.,
Sub-Dist of Greenville,
October 31st, 1867.

Capt. J. W. Sunderland,
Act. Asst. Adjt. Gen.,
Vicksburg, Miss.

In compliance with the provisions of the first section of Circular Letter, dated Vicksburg, Miss., July 25th, 1867, Office Asst. Com. for Miss., I have the honor to report, that no material change in the condition of any sub-district has taken place since my report of September 30th, 1867, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the Asst. Com.

[[left margin]] Number of sick, old, or infirm suffering from want. [[/left margin]]

IV.  As yet but few destitute persons have applied to me for assistance. For a month Austin Boswell, a destitute freedman, has been wandering about this village, begging from door to door. And this morning a colored woman, with an infant in her arms, came to me for food and shelter.