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fact that at the date for which this report is rendered the season has not expired, nor the crop's fully gathered, it is impossible to determine with that accuracy which succeding reports may show, how well the employees will be paid for services, although several complaints are on file in this office, for non-payment which have received, or are receiving attention through this office.
     3." Contracts: Are generally for the season terminating Dec 25" 1867. or for a share of the crop's when harvested and put in marketable condition.
     4." No sick, old, or infirm freedpeople are known to be in want of anything within the authority of this office to supply in this Sub Dist.
     5." No rations have been issued in this  Sub Dist within the Mouth for which this report is rendered.
     7." Marital relation among some of the freedpeople are not as sacredly observed as would be in keeping with their advancement in other respects.
     6." No schools for the benefit of freedpeople are known to be in operation in this Sub Dist. concerning which report will be made at an early date in compliance with G.O. No 30. c.s. from your office.
     8." Disposition of white people towards the freedpeople. Some bitterness exists, and acts of cruelty and injustice practiced upon the colored people by wrong minded and evil disposed persons: Still it is believed that