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conditions will be early complied with, and it is probable that a similar application for aid will shortly be made. 
A white teacher will have no difficulty in procuring board at $15. to $20. for month.
A night school for adults in much demanded.
There are neither Bibles nor Schoolbooks among the colored people, and the disastrous failure in the cotton crop of this year, will cane them to husband their earnings to procure necessaries during next year.
[[margin]]Marital relations of the Freedman[[/margin]]
VII. There are large numbers of Freed people who cohabit, being informed by the whites that under the laws of this State, I have impressed on their minds the propriety of renewing their marital allegations by making marriage a religious as well as a civil ceremony, and it is noticeable that my admonitious, when carried into effect, have been productive of much good. The County Clerk charges Jevo Dollar ($2.) for each License, which, owing to their poverty, operates adversely to their forming the more moral connection that I recommend, and I beg leave respectfully to suggest that a Commission as Magistrate or Justice of the Peace be transmitted to this Agent, in order that the other fees may be saved to this poor people, $5.00/. in each case. [[margin]]Requests that he be appointed Magistrate of Beat No 1[[/margin]]  
[[margin]]Disposition of the whites towards the colored people[[/margin]]
VIII. The treatment of the colored people by the whites is but slightly changed since the region of Slavery. Planters afsume [[assume]] the old patriarchal authority, and vehemently proclaim themselves the negroes best friends. Implicit and unhesitating obediance is insisted on. Blows and abuse,