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Exhibit A.

This Agreement, between A,B of - County, Miss, Employer and B.C. Laborer, Witnesseth, That said Employer hereby hires said Laborer as a (field hand) from this date until - and for faithful services to be rendered in said employment by said Laborer, during all that time, the said Employer agrees to pay said Laborer - dollars per month, payable as follows: xxxx; also agrees to furnish said Laborer, free of charge, during said term of service, with xxxx; and said Laborer, on consideration thereof, hereby agrees to render to said Employer, or his Agent, for and during all of said term, due obedience and faithful service, and well and promptly perform all works in the line of his duty, in accordance with the instructions of said Employer, or his Agent, and to bestow due care and attention, in all things upon all property and interests committed to said Laborer's charge & keeping.
And in the event of the loss of, or injury to such property, will faithfully account or pay for the same, to be deducted out of said Laborer's wages, so far as the same will pay. And it is hereby understood, and mutually agreed, that the wages of the said Laborer are to cease during such times as said Laborer may be absent without leave - such absence to count not less than one day; and said Employer, or his Agent, may at time discharge such Laborer for any such absence or habitual neglect of duty. And to prevent loss of time while said Laborer is engaged at work, his meals are to be served where so employed. It is further agreed and