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understood that said Laborer shall not use cotton for beds, pillows, and comforts, or for wearing and spinning, or for any other purpose, and for every violation of this stipulation, shall forfeit not less than one month's wages. And said Laborer shall not have the privilege of keeping animals of any kind on the plantation, and can raise poultry for his own use and for sale.
It is agreed that this contract shall be complied with in accordance with the provisions of "An Act to confer civil rights upon Freedmen, and for other purposes," approved November 25th 1865.
Given under our hands in duplicate &c
[Note. A number of copies of this contract have the names of the Asst. Commr. &c printed on them, with the word "Approved" &c. I understand however it was framed by one Lyewll, a former Negro trader at Vicksburg, and one Capt. Simmons.]

Contract for a share of the Crop.

This Agreement entered into this - day of - A.D. 1867, by & between A.B. of the County of Sunflower and State of Miss; of the first part, and C.D. freedman, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said A.B. agrees to furnish to the party of the 2nd part, lands, teams, and all necessary farming implements, and to furnish to the party of the second party - pounds of bacon and one pack of meal per week, and furnish medicines in case of sickness, and allow them to own and raise stock on his premises; and he further agrees to give the said party of the second part (1/3rd) of a hand's part of all the corn and cotton raised on the premises during the year 186 , and further that he will use all due diligence to establish a school for the benefit of the children