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Exhibit B

Draft of proposed Contract for 1868

This agreement entered into this ___ day of ___186_ by and between _______ of _______county, Mississippi; of the first part, and _________ laborer of the second part, Wilnimenth, that said _______ hereby here said Laborer from this date until _____186_, and for faithful services to be rendered by said Laborer during all that time, according to the terms of this contract, the said party of the first part agrees to pay said Laborer at the rate of ____ dollars per month, payable as follows; ______________________ and also agrees to furnish said Laborer, free of charge, during said term of service, with four pounds of bacon and one peck of meat per week, two sints of Summer clothes and one suit of winter clothes; also with two pairs of shoes; also medicines in case of sickness and medical attendance when necessary; the time lost from such sickness to be deducted from said Laborers' wages, and said party of the first part further agrees that he will establish or contribute to the support of a suitable school for the benefit of the children of the freed people employed on the premises. And said Laborer, in consideration thereof hereby agrees to render to said employer or his agent, for and during all of said term, due obedience and faithful