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Bureau Refugees Freedman and Abandoned Lands
Office Sub Asst Comr. Sub Dist Jackson
Jackson Mississippi Oct 31st 1867

Lieutenant Merrit Barber
Ac't Ass't. Adj't. Gen'l.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to submit the following general report "letter form" for the month of October 1867.


[[left margin]] is not able to report No of freed people in Sub Dist. Measures have been taken to find out. [[/left margin]]

I am as yet unable to report with any degree of accuracy the number of freed people in the Sub Dist. The Boards of Registration, Assessors, and Tax Collectors of the difirent Counties composing the Dis't have been requested to report on the matter, with which reports I hope to approximate the correct number.


[[left margin]] favorable condition as negroes health. crop failure, great disappointment to the Freedmen share in the crop system a bad [[?]] [[/left margin]]

The condition of the Freed people as regards health is quite favorable. The crop in which most of them were interested having failed they are very dependent on the whites. The fortune of the crop system has proven very disastrous to the interests both of Planter and Laborer. The expectations of the freedmen were very