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No 18. Oct 26  Rufus Beard (W) vs. Jack Lumpkin (C)
Non payment of wages due for work performed last year by himself, wife, children, and mules. Gave note of $116.00 amount due.

No 19. Oct 28  S.S. Gartell (W) vs. Sally Pugh(C) 
Pay in part due for 10 months labor performed last year. S.S Gartell gave note of $18.75. am't found due.

No 20. Oct 29  W.B. Johnson (W) vs. Isom, and Jerry Rodgers (C)
Two months work last year by Isom, and the whole year for Jerry his son, $0.40 paid to Jerry none due to Isom.

No 21. Oct 29   W.B. Johnson (W) vs. C. Sparks (C) 
Non payment of last years wages. Nothing was due. C. Sparks gave note to Granville Johnson (C) of $40. for clothing etc.

No 22 Oct 30  M.J. Benson (W) vs. Lizzie Benson (C)
Non payment of wages for work done to Apr 12 1866 from Jan'y. $20. paid, amount found due.

No 23 Oct 30  Anderson Schankles (W) vs. Jim Edwards (C)
Non payment of wages due for last, and this year to Oct 1". Paid $49.60 amount found due.