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to labor for one third and furnish their own subsistance.

IV I am cognizant of no old sick or infirm persons not cared for by freinds

V No rations are issued in this District

VI There are two schools - one at Holmes Lake twelve miles back of Concordia twenty scholars one at Lyons place near Glencoe thirty scholars. They cannot long continue owning to the inability of the people to pay the teachers - In the case of the Lyons place school I have made an application to you for assistance

VII The Marital relations of the Freedpeople are very loose. Marriages are infrequent and they "take up" with each other and cohabit during mutual good pleasure. There are a number of cases where white men live upon the same terms with concubine of color - Judge Shackleford at the last term of court especially charged the Grand Jury upon this point. They took no action in the case. One member of that Jury is implicated in these practices - unabashingly and is the reputed father of three (?) mulatto children by his mistress - a freedwoman -