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contracts are made for the year or for a shorter period according to the nature of employment. In the southern part of the Dist and along the coast where less agricultural pursuits are followed contracts are usually for no longer period than one month; and usually verbal.
4: No sick, old or infirm freedpeople are known to be in want of anything within the authority of this Office to furnish.
5: No rations have been issued in this Sub Dist within the month for which this report is rendered.
6: One school is in operation in this Sub Dist for the benefit of freed-people.
7: Marriage relations among the freedpeople are not as sacredly observed as would be expected by their advancement in other particulars.
8: Disposition of the white people towards the black people: In most cases where personal interest will not immediately suffer by kind treatment, the colored people are shown considerations which has heretofore been quite unknown among them.
Strong efforts are being put forth by leading resident white people to control the vote of the black men at the approaching election.
9. Complaints and outrages are less frequent than heretofore, which is believed to be the result of the presence of an officer connected with the Bureau.