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Transcription: [00:26:48]
People are so willing to be loyal to party, political party, into the course of human rights. And I think we as students, we who represent, in a sense we like to say the masses, we must not sell out. We must stand up and stand for what is right, and that is just going to have all of the people and not a select few.
When we go back South, I think we should go over a f-, a new determination to see our dreams, like someone would like to call it, our dreams- if you want to call them dreams- come true.
The people in Mississippi, the people in Alabama, in Georgia are no longer listening to our dreams. We have been promised, our people, for so long, "pie in the sky," you know? But you'll get it, we've been [inaudible] in the moon. We've been able to produce very little.
I'm not sure myself how long will these people be willing to follow non-violent discipline. So again I'd like to stress the fight. That the movement must become radical enough to meet the demands, the needs, and aspirations of these people.
I think in a real sense, we must speak to the whole nation. In particular, negro and white students from the north should go into the black areas of the north I think. Maybe [unintelligible] group should give some consideration to this. Go into Harlem, go into the ghettos of Harlem. Go into the ghettos of Chicago and Detroit, and organize some mass movement similar to what we have in the South.
And let's get a nationwide, a real nationwide mass movement going. So this whole nation can see it, in a real sense, that we want freedom, we want justice and complete equality now, and not tomorrow.
This time, I'd like to say thanks to all of you who made this conference possible. I believe I saw Chuck [unintelligible], did I see Chuck?