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Transcription: [00:36:28]
We said that the thing that would have to be done was that people would have to go in living communities and working communities and-- and-- and help the people in these communities grow. And-- and build movements.

Y'know we said the people that would have to do it would have to be students-- would have to be young people. Y'know, because we don't have the-- the um-- ties to the establishment that many older folk do have.

And then after we agreed that young people should do it then we said "Who should do it?" we saw looking around the room, one, to each other, y'know I looked over it-- it-- rest of the guys said "Well you know baby I wanna go but I have to finish school y'know-- can't be messing around there."

And then there were those who wanted to go on to church work. And those who wanted do to this and wanted to do that.

And so we said, y'know, we all had a reason. We agreed that we were all intellectually committed to the struggle.

Y'know, that we stood in spiritual and moral solidarity. Y'know we had a grand academic understanding of the problem and the ultimate solution to it.

Y'know, and, so we said we might as well go. And then somebody said in the group, "Well, y'know that's groovy--the intellectual commitment and all that sort of thing, but where is your body? Y'know, Where is your body?

Y'know, if your body is going to be with intellectual commitment, and that's somewhere off over there, y'know then we don't need.

If your body is going to be with your spiritual solidarity, and that's somewhere over there, then we don't need it.

If your body is going to be with your traditional and academic understanding, then we don't need it.

But if your body is going to be here, and we're going to have our bodies here, our collective bodies here in the struggle, and together, then that's where it should be, y'know?

And that's the only way that it can be done. And this is the grand evidence that the bodies are here, y'know?

From the first conference in Raleigh, in 1960, where the people came together, y'know, it was, y'know, we were fragmented. We didn't know where we'd gone.

We didn't have a grand sense of feeling, of togetherness, y'know. The only thing we had together we had all been active in the movement.

But we had no direction. And direction is here, y'know. And we do know where we're going. And the body's, um, y'know, seemingly and obviously quite committed.

And this is what needs to be done, y'know. There will be those of you who will be going back to school, and of course you have an obligation to see in what small way, rather, in what large way you can help grow.

What way you can help more bodies come in. What way you can see that the struggle goes on. And then, y'know, and to John, y'know saw the pleasure that y'know we were up there in Chicago, and then New York, and then San Francisco and the ghettos of this country.