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Transcription: [00:14:10]
{SPEAKER name="NOT John Lewis"}
Two announcements - one, Charles Surratt would like for all persons from Southwest Georgia Project, or from Southwest Georgia, please meet at the back of the chapel after the conference ends, and also there's a phone call downstairs for Bill Raspberry, if he's here, Bill Raspberry. At this time we are near the end of this conference. I think that we've had a wonderful conference. For those who have been around SNCC for a long time, we can see this. As you know, the 1960 in Raleigh, North Carolina — that's when people got together — and formed what is now known as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. We like to talk about this history because we like you to know about this history, not that we are boasting, not that we are happy and proud, I mean as such, we come this far, but we like for people to know where we came from and where we are going. It was in 1960 that a few people got together and formed this group, and those people that in that time can remember a one-room office in Atlanta, a 197 1/2 that didn't have any windows, a little cubicle. I can also remember a big barn further down the street in Atlanta, which didn't have any heat at times, which was huge. I also can remember now in Atlanta at 6 Raymond, 8 1/2 Raymond, the office we have now. I can also remember coming from one paid field secretary, [[inaudible]] King, and one volunteer,James [[inaudible]] Firs to now some 150 to 250 field secretaries. I can also remember the first conference in Raleigh, and the subsequent conferences and the conference here. Which means that in three years, we have come a long ways. We still have a long ways to go. But I'm saying all this to put this into proper perspective, to introduce, not really to introduce, but before John Lewis speaks that he is our chairman. He has been with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee from its beginning.