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Transcription: [00:16:59]
{SPEAKER name="Marion Barry- Possibly"}
We like to think of him as our leader. As such, although we have no leaders, he is our chairman. And he will make the final remarks to the conference: John Lewis.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
Thank you, Marion, Portland.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
I'd like to suggest a few things to close for this conference.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
Not by any means or to make a speech. Just going to say a few words here and there. Particular there to the southern students and to the people from the deep, deep south.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
Approximately 400 of you have gathered here this weekend to examine a study [[??]] program in the area [[of man in povert?]] retraining and job location-relocation.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
It is my hope that we and all of us have a better knowledge and a better understanding of these programs. I think this conference put up to fight that all of us, wherever we are involved must continue to raise some basic questions and problems that we cannot solve or answer.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
During the march on Washington, I didn't have an opportunity to say something that I was trying to say.
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
But since today I don't think we have the archbishop around, a few other people-
{SPEAKER name="John Lewis"}
A few other people who might like to control or pocket the revolution. I think I should feel free to say a few things.