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[[Image of Car]]

The Eyes of the World

Every moment of every day, that part of the world in which we move and have our being sits in judgment upon us. How do we look? How do we act? What do we say and do? Not even kings or potentates, with all their glory and all their power, dare seem unworthy to their fellow men. Thus, Caesar rode in a gilded chariot to symbolize his glory. And the average men of here and now must take his caution with an equal care-- for the eyes of the world are upon him... This is the reason-- as so many know-- why Cadillac leads in the fine-car field. For twenty years this wonderful car has told its story to the world at large. Wherever it is, and whatever the occasion, it proclaims its owner as a man apart-- a man of judgment and a man of taste... Now, many believe that a car like this must surely be beyond their means-- yet the new V-8, with all that it gives, is an easy purchase for the average man who's in tune with the world's affairs.

LaSalle prices ranges from $2395, Cadillac from $2795, f.o.b. Detroit.

Cadillac Motor Car Company
Division of General Motors
Detroit, Michigan

PAGE 6                                   OFFICIAL PROGRAM