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One of the latest development in aviation is the Kinner Sportser, which combines all the joys of speed and comfortable flying.

How Far is One Hundred Miles?

That depends entirely on one's method of conveyance.

A "forty-niner" with his oxen and prairie schooner visualized a hundred miles in terms of seven or eight sun-up to sun-down days of jolting travels.

The fast four- and six-horse stages which came with the advent of roads pared the distance down to a day.

Slightly more than thirty years ago the automobile was introduced and today is developed to a degree of utility and dependability that shrinks the magnitude of one hundred miles to three hours of time.

Another transportation era has arrived and the mental picturization of one hundred miles becomes ONE HOUR.

No roads to follow, no hills to climb, no traffic congestion to fight and no interference with our natural and entirely human desire to speed.

No portion of the United States is better adapted for everyday flying than Southern California. With extremes in altitude from Mt. Whitney which is 14,496 feet high, to Death Valley, 276 feet below sea level, the entire State of California encompasses a wide variety of scenery which can be viewed to excellent advantage from the air.

Fliers visiting Los Angeles for the National Air Races to be held from July 1st to the 4th, should plan to stay long enough to take in the interesting air trips available, many of
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