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10    California Outdoors and In

OVER THE MAGIC CARPET route went his birthday cake from Ben L. Frank, manager of the Los Angeles Ambassador, to Walter Winchell in New York City. A fast transcontinental plane carried the cake across the nation to America's most famous newspaper man, who celebrated his birthday April 7th, Beer Day. Winchell thanked Mr. Frank for the gift on his national broadcast. George Girola under the direction of Pastry Chef Henri Ponet and Chef Henri Bassetti decorated the cake.

Ben Frank Talks To Orient

Ben L. Frank, manager of the Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel, was one of the chief speakers on the Easter Morning Radio Broadcast from station KFI to the Orient and Asia, including Australia. The program was on the air from 12 to 1 A.M., Pacific Coast Time, which was breakfast time in the Far Eastern lands. The Phil Harris and Xavier Cugat orchestras of the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove were on the program. The Ambassador part of the broadcast emanated from the Cocoanut Grove radio studios and the Grove itself. Mr. Frank's speech was as follows:

Ladies and gentlemen: I am happy to participate in this Easter Greetings program and extend my best wishes. I believe this to be a time when we can all take courage. Our new deal has already attested to that fact. To my friends in the Orient as well as those in the United States I declare my appreciation for the many letters received regarding our recent earthquake. These letters, inspired by exaggerated stories, expressed sympathy towards me and the citizens of this city. I am happy to say that our loss was not as bad as reported.

Of the twelve hundred chairs in the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove here in Los Angeles there is not one vacant tonight. Another tribute to President Roosevelt's new deal. Since April 7th - "New Beer's Eve" - I can see a decided change in the mental attitude of the people. In short, the depression is over. In saying "Goodbye" may I say "Hello" and "Happy Easter" to my listeners and friends in the "Far East" and also those in the States. Southern California extends its best wishes and always holds a hearty welcome for you when you visit this sunny vacationland.

BEN L. FRANK, Ambassador manager, and Eddie Trantow, one of his chief aides at the Great Hotel That Seems Like Home, captured this giant ape right in the Cocoanut Grove during the Junior Chamber of Commerce dinner dance.

The Vincent Bendix Trophy trans-continental race, aviation's international classic, which has been one of the most spectacular events on the program of the National Air Races during the last few years will be flown from New York to Los Angeles.